Categories: Sealing

Why Air Sealing & Insulation Go Hand-in-Hand

So, you’ve decided to insulate and air seal your attic and exterior walls. Not every homeowner decides to do this due to the assumption that they don’t need it. However, air sealing offers more benefits than you might think, especially when it comes to heating and cooling your house. Here’s what our experts at Entergis Testing and Sealing, LLC have to say.

How Insulation & Air Sealing Work

Insulation is a material used to regulate the flow of heat into and out of a house. There are different types available, such as fiberglass batting, spray foam insulation and cellulose, which all have their unique strengths and benefits. Choosing the right insulation material is crucial if you want to effectively keep heat from escaping your house during the winter months. 

Even with insulation properly installed, this won’t guarantee that every crack and crevice will be covered. You can still have tiny air leaks that are barely noticeable at first but can eventually have an impact on your HVAC system’s efficiency. This is when air sealing becomes necessary, as it minimizes the movement of air between the outdoors and the inside of your house. Air sealing simply eliminates any cracks, gaps or holes that may otherwise compromise your home’s indoor comfort.

How You Get Better Benefits

When you choose to have insulation installed without proper air sealing, there’s always the risk that warm air will escape your house during the winter. The same can also occur during the summer months, with cold air leaking from your house. With air sealing, however, you won’t have to worry about leaks, so your indoor environment will stay comfortable. Combining both insulation and air sealing also maximizes your HVAC system’s energy performance, which means your monthly utility costs will be lower.

To learn more about air sealing and its benefits, talk to an expert at Entergis Testing and Sealing, LLC today! You can reach us at (225) 577-6799 or fill out our convenient request form online.

Greg Iseral

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