A busy loading dock is good for business, but it can also mean high monthly energy consumption. Air leaks in your dock doors can contribute to unnecessary energy consumption, as well as other problems in your warehouse or facility. To teach business owners how to deal with leaking dock doors, our experts at Entergis Testing and Sealing, LLC share their insight here:

Check Your Doors and Attic
The supply chain and logistics operations of your business can represent around 40 to 60 percent of your company’s environmental footprint. The energy expended from all this can have a big impact on the environment, including the natural resources it consumes and even the bottom line of your business. If you want to reduce costs and improve your warehouse’s energy efficiency, you can start by understanding how to make adjustments that help reduce wasted energy resources.
Many businesses are focusing on how they can make their loading docks more efficient and sustainable simply because of the daily operational challenges they face. Airflow is a big issue, as your HVAC systems will always consume energy as they work to keep indoor temperatures within certain levels whenever the dock doors are opened and closed. However, there’s one sure way to reduce the amount of airflow entering and exiting your commercial warehouse, and that’s to seal the gaps and install additional dock door seals.
How Do Dock Door Seals Save Money?
When seals are installed on your warehouse dock doors, they can aid in reducing your operating costs and improving productivity. They’ll also help keep out bugs and pests that can otherwise infiltrate your warehouse with unwanted viruses and contaminants. Dock seals will help maintain climate control, as well, so your indoor air quality stays within comfortable levels no matter what type of weather conditions you usually experience in your area.
To learn more about how you can get dock seals with customizable features for your warehouse, call Entergis Testing and Sealing, LLC! You can reach us today at (225) 445-2362 or fill out our convenient request form online.