There’s really something to be said about the character and charm of old, historic homes. One glaring downside, however, is that they’re not very energy efficient. Needless to say, the construction industry has come a long way with regard to making our dwelling places more comfortable and energy efficient. If you’re living in, or are thinking about living in, a historic home, here’s some advice from the folks over at Entergis Testing and Sealing, LLC.

Perform an Energy Audit
The first step in improving your home’s overall energy efficiency is determining the extent of the problem. In an older home, it’s doubly important to perform an energy audit so that you can identify locations where there are air leaks. Rather than guessing where they are, your best option is to hire professionals to do the job for you. They’ll provide you with an in-depth analysis and offer solutions to address the problem.
Keep Up With Maintenance
Another way to improve energy efficiency is to faithfully keep up with regular maintenance. Not only is this cost-effective, it’s also a lot less invasive. Doing simple things like changing your air filters, having your HVAC unit tuned up, replacing faulty air vents or re-caulking your windows can all contribute to a more energy-efficient, comfortable home. While you’re at it, it’s also a good idea to have your insulation inspected to mitigate potential heating and cooling losses.
Entergis Testing and Sealing, LLC is proud to provide home and building owners in Louisiana, Mississippi, and East Texas with reliable, affordable leakage testing services. To schedule an appointment with us, please feel welcome to give us a call at (225) 445-2362, or fill out our online contact form and one of our friendly team members will get back to you as soon as possible.