The attic can be one of the most challenging areas to maintain in your home. Since it’s typically left empty, homeowners often forget about it until leaks or other issues appear. If problems with your attic are left unaddressed, mold growth can develop. Furthermore, this could damage your roofing as well as create health concerns for you and your family.

That said, you should take steps to achieve leakage reduction and prevent mold in your attic. Entergis Testing and Sealing, LLC shares four tips for doing this below.
Check your roof for leaks frequently. This preventive measure enables you to prevent water damage that may damage your roof and attic. Inspect your insulation and wood for discoloration. Check the skylights, chimneys and any portion of the attic where dissimilar materials join each other — for instance, the flashing. These areas are hotbeds for potential moisture intrusion, so you should keep an eye out for issues with these components.
Utilize vents to pump moisture out of your house. According to air sealing experts, your dryer, kitchen and bathroom vents should blow directly outdoors instead of into your attic. This way, you can be sure that the moisture is eliminated efficiently.
Ensure that insulation is installed correctly. Adequate insulation ensures that warmer air won’t penetrate your attic. However, be careful not to over-insulate, as this could prompt mold growth, especially in the winter. You can also call up a professional to carry out duct leakage tests so that your home can be better evaluated.
Consider air sealing. This method tightly covers gaps and open seams throughout your house. With proper insulation, air sealing can effectively help control moisture and prevent mold growth. Moreover, it can also boost your home’s indoor comfort and help you save on utility costs.
If you’re looking for a professional with expertise in air duct sealing, Entergis Testing and Sealing, LLC is one of the most dependable companies in the area. Call (225) 445-2362 or fill out our contact form to request a quote.